Episode 140: Amazon Echo’s new voice, the Apple MagSafe Battery, meet the Optophone, a reading machine invented in the early 1900s and more

Kia ora Mosen At Largers. A reminder that this podcast is indexed by chapter. If you listen with a podcast client that offers chapter support, you can easily skip between segments.

Here are the topics covered in this episode, and the time in the file for each.

Amazon Echo gets a new voice,1:16
The ACB convention,6:01
Sky New Zealand’s Olympics app has accessibility issues,10:47
More feedback on OrCam MyEye,12:41
iOS 14.7 is out,19:05
The social model of disability is so last century!,22:57
Calling ableism out might upset the nondisabled,35:07
Feedback on the Pneuma Solutions interview,42:52
Edd Thomas talks about the Optophone,48:11 You can [read the Optophone article here(https://spectrum.ieee.org/tech-history/dawn-of-electronics/a-century-ago-the-optophone-allowed-blind-people-to-hear-the-printed-word)
The Bonnie Bulletin in scary times,1:29:03
The Bonnie Bulletin in sad times,1:31:52
Unboxing the Apple MagSafe battery,1:34:21
Bonnie comments on getting on the job ladder,1:42:00
YouTube not working with Safari on iOS,1:45:17
Looking for hints on staying in step with a white cane,1:47:18
Coping with Non-24 Sleep/Wake disorder,1:49:39
Legacy Android gestures aren’t so bad once explained properly,1:52:29
Why doesn’t the keyboard shortcut list work with the Apple Wireless Keyboard on my iPhone?,1:55:27
How does the Touchbar work with VoiceOver on a Mac?,1:56:38
Closing and contact info,1:59:16