Episode 25: I got hacked, memories of Monopoly, standing up to hate speech and CSUN is still happening

Hi Mosen At Largers. Thank you for listening, and also for the reviews and 5 star ratings people have left. And of course we have received a mountain of contributions again this week, so thank you also for those. Here’s what’s on this week’s episode followed by the time in the file that you can hear it. Remember, if you use a podcast app with chapter support, Mosen At Large fully supports chapters to make it easy to skip to sections of the podcast.
Earlier this week I got hacked,1:35.203
Blind job preparedness and praise for Ulysses for iOS,5:22.166
Using Overcast with voice control,11:12.230
Learning to use a Bluetooth keyboard with your iPhone,13:25.035
Can you get a sighted person to control your iPhone remotely?,16:59.208
The fascinating history of Monopoly and versions we have played over the years,19:04.044
Accessible routers and antivirus software,33:19.165
Sighted people questioning whether blind people should be parents and problems with VoiceOver for iOS losing speech persist,37:04.257
iOS beta issues and the future of cricket audio commentary in New Zealand,42:16.102
Accessible radon detectors,47:33.621
Remembering a tough New Zealand anniversary and what it teaches us about standing up to hate speech,48:53.740
Games on the good old Apple II E,57:47.956
Why is the CSUN conference still happening?,58:47.225
Memories of 15 March from New Zealand,1:02:58.057
Do you ever call your voice assistant instead of your guide dog?,1:03:42.280
Aira is discontinuing Horizon,1:05:46.235
The Bonnie bulletin begins with talk of tornados inTennessee,1:11:37.764
New Zealand’s Red Puppy appeal is approaching,1:14:13.927
requiring proof of guide dog certification,1:17:00.163
Aira feedback,1:23:56.704
Making ringtones and blindness agencies that use vision in their name,1:25:38.506
Protect your Uber rides with a PIN,1:27:06.023
New studies show that a keto diet is good for brain health as we get older,1:28:51.256
Closing and contact info,1:32:41.031