Episode 47: Is it OK for people to use the word blind to mean something other than the absence of sight, would you buy an iPhone without a charger, favourite Bluetooth keyboards and more

Kia ora Mosen At Largers. Here’s what’s in store for you this week.
Opening and contact information,0:00.000
An extra episode coming later in the week,2:15.544
Is it OK for the word Blind to be used to mean something other than the absence of sight?,2:59.791
Is it right for Apple to consider not bundling a charger in the box for its next iPhones?,15:15.684
Echolocation and facial vision,19:44.187
Reaction to no iPhone charging brick in the box,33:35.088
More on use of the word “blind” to mean things other than not having sight,35:25.245
Braille display comments,42:02.439
Reducing your shortcuts security settings to help with Castro and other apps,50:55.490
More on use of the word “blind””,53:17.161
Favourite game and favourite Bluetooth keyboard,54:04.328
Hot Dog! It’s the Bonnie Bulletin!,1:12:43.372
Bonnie chimes in on the word blind being used to mean something other than absence of sight,1:14:08.123
Review of Samson Meteor USB Condenser microphone,1:22:00.871
Review of Yamaha RA602 receiver,1:29:46.458
More feedback on using the word “blind” to mean something other than the absence of sight,1:32:12.915
RSS reader for Windows recommendation, INL Reader, and use of read later services like Instapaper and Pocket,1:33:25.928
Demo of using your iPhone as a hotel room key,1:40:20.939
Dedicated Android media devices, Samsung SmartThings and Withings smart scales,1:45:35.455
Working with Google products and question about Fantastical. Check out the Mystic Access Google tutorial,1:49:20.416
Closing announcement,1:52:19.028
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