Today I was honoured to accept the Robert S Bray award from the American Council of the Blind. The award is named after Robert S Bray, who was the first Director of the Library of Congress’s National Library service. This …

I am proud to accept the American Council of the Blind’s Robert S Bray award Read more »

Here is the text of my address to the NFB’s DeafBlind division which I delivered earlier in the week.   Living the life we want as a blind person wearing hearing aids Delivered to the National Federation of the Blind …

My address to the National Federation of the Blind’s DeafBlind Division at the 2024 National Convention Read more »

Revision History 3 June, updated progress on accessibility  improvements, and commented on the BBC radio 4 In Touch interview. 15 May, added a section covering recent developments including the AMA session. 10 May, added a link to the 9to5Mac story …

Sonos has broken accessibility for its blind users. Now they must repair the app and repair trust Read more »

Update, 7 April 2024   Applause Group has just released this statement. “Hi everyone,   Following our recent announcement to transition Voice Dream to a subscription, we received an overwhelming response from thousands in our community. Your feedback, along with …

I wish Voice Dream Reader a bright future, but they have breached Apple’s Guidelines. Apple must protect consumers with swift action Read more »

Here is the transcript and the audio of my presentation to the 2023 National Convention of the National Federation of the Blind.     Together Living Blindfully Address delivered to the National Convention of the National Federation of the Blind, …

My Address to the 2023 Convention of the National Federation of the Blind Read more »

With so many of us with accessibility needs having made the move to mastodon recently, the divisive question of the #a11y hashtag has been raised once again. I’d like to offer an updated version of a previous article I have …

The #a11y hashtag is harmful to the #accessibility cause. As we start afresh on Mastodon, it’s time to let it die Read more »

An update late on 16 January New Zealand time. Aira’s CEO, Troy Otillio, has published a brief statement on Aira’s website, acknowledging the widespread concerns many of us have about how difficult it has been to find out how much …

Aira’s astounding communications fail, or how to lose friends and alienate people Read more »

I felt moved to write this article after reading a post on Mastodon this morning. I am paraphrasing the post’s contents, because it’s not my intention to call out or embarrass any individual. I am sure it’s a sentiment shared …

For me, it’s a matter of conscience. I can’t use Twitter anymore Read more »

Today I gave by far the most difficult submission I’ve ever given to a Parliamentary Select Committee. I want to share it with you. You can read the text, or listen to the audio. Thank you for the opportunity to …

My oral submission to the Social Services and Community Select Committee on the Accessibility for New Zealanders Bill Read more »

Submissions on the Accessibility for New Zealanders Bill close on Monday 7 November 2022. You can make a submission here and the process is fully accessible.   I am including my submission here in the hope that it might inspire …

My submission on the Accessibility for New Zealanders Bill Read more »