Happy new year to all readers of this blog. I’m grateful you’re there. I hope your holiday has been as peaceful and full of joy as mine has been, and the nice thing is, mine is continuing for a couple …

Looking for a Belated New Year’s Resolution? Use Twitter Hashtags wisely. Read more »

I love the line from John Lennon’s song “Beautiful Boy” that says “life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans”. Life certainly takes unexpected twists and turns and for me, 2013 is the biggest example of …

More from the “Comings and Goings” department. My departure from Mushroom FM Read more »

A number of people in blindness advocacy and technology inspire me. While of course there are certain things that advocacy and technology cannot change, there are many areas where we are right to strive constructively for a better tomorrow. Civil …

A Matter of Respect. Why I always write “Braille” with an uppercase B Read more »

I’m neither a sociologist nor a psychologist, but I wonder whether minorities go through an evolutionary process where at first they crave to be like everyone else, and ultimately mature as a group to the extent that they are comfortable …

There’s No Such Thing as a “blind Ghetto” Product Read more »

People from all walks of life, not just blind people, can get extremely partisan about their technology preferences. Anything their team does is unquestionably wonderful, while anything another company does is rubbish, simply by virtue of the fact that it’s …

The Apple Braille Crisis. It’s Got to be Fixed for the Kids Read more »

I’ve always enjoyed Kathryn Ryan’s interviewing style. So it was a pleasure to go into the Radio New Zealand Wellington studios today to meet her and talk accessibility to a mainstream audience. Her questions were excellent, and hopefully introduced more …

Interview with Kathryn Ryan on Radio New Zealand National Read more »