Episode 28: The benefits of meditation, and the fully accessible FitMind app, with Liam McClintock

Hi Mosen at largers. Welcome to this extra episode. First, I hope you and yours are doing well during this global crisis.
I’ve heard from many listeners throughout the week from all over the world, emailing this podcast and also contributing to the live radio shows I’ve been doing twice a day to help us stay connected with each other. For some people, self-isolation is proving very tough, especially for those on their own.
So this seems like the perfect time to interview the founder of a meditation app I discovered recently that has really impressed me. It’s called FitMind. It’s fully accessible, and there’s something in it for you whether you’ve always wanted to start a meditation practice or whether you’ve been meditating for years.
You can download the iOS app for free. To use it fully, you’ll need a subscription, but FitMind’s founder, Liam McClintock who joins us on this episode, gives an email address you can contact if you feel you’d benefit from the app but genuinely can’t afford to buy it at this difficult time. Thanks to Liam for that very generous offer.
In this discussion, we explore what meditation is, what its benefits are, the science behind it and some blindness-specific aspects of meditation you don’t hear about in mainstream podcasts.
For further information about FitMind, you can visit the FitMind website.