Episode 42: Wishes for iOS 14, new Ubiquiti Unifi gear, sight restoration and why blind Sonos Arc users should avoid Sony TVs for now

Kia ora Mosen At Largers. It’s wonderful to be back again with another week of news and views. Thanks for making this such a great community.
Coming up this week.
Opening and contact info,0:00.000
Receive announcements about Mosen At Large via email. Send a blank email to media-subscribe@mosen.org. ,1:43.614
Follow-up on issues raised in our Sonos Arc podcast,4:24.799
A mini review of our new Ubiquiti Unifi network at Mosen Towers,11:04.013
My top 10 wish list for iOS 14 and some listener views,22:16.358
More thoughts on whether people would take sight if it were offered,51:51.056
Questions about Zoom,1:09:26.147
Exercise equipment recommendations,1:12:59.297
Using a GPS app to make location-specific notes,1:13:59.692
Good experience with the Google Docs mobile app,1:15:12.316
Pocketcasts is a cross-platform podcast app,1:17:28.403
Reddit apps for iOS. Join the Dystopia for Reddit Testflight beta. ,1:19:49.379
iOS Bluetooth keyboard recommendations wanted,1:23:05.241
The case for wireless charging,1:28:48.251
Demonstration of the benefits of using an audio mixer,1:30:06.968
The Tiffany Report looks at Microsoft Teams,1:37:39.168
The Bonnie Bulletin is blasting!,1:42:53.513
Too book recommendations,1:44:29.686
More iOS 14 wishes,1:46:26.144
How are people digitising their cassettes these days?,1:47:14.114
More feedback on Microsoft Teams,1:48:58.806
iOS 14 wishes,1:50:52.594
Use this app in the COVID-19 era to cheer from afar,1:52:10.021