Mosen Consulting Expands its Mission, Adds a New Staff Member

Regular readers will have noticed that while I continue to write about technology, I’ve also been writing in recent times about some of the most amazing, complex technology of all, our brains and our minds. No user manual comes with it, unfortunately, but the more we learn to take control of our mind, our willpower, our feelings and thoughts, the more peaceful and successful we can be.

I think this is a really important topic for any minority facing discrimination and misconceptions about our capabilities. It can wear you down after a while, even if you’re super-positive. Unmanaged, it can cause a lot of pain, anxiety and aggression.

Wanting to write more about these topics got me thinking about what Mosen Consulting is about. Our new home page, now live, complete with the new tagline, is the culmination of that thinking. Mosen Consulting is about blindness information for blindness opportunity.

That got me talking with my fiancee, Bonnie Lannom, who has a great range of skills in public relations and vocational rehabilitation. We talk a lot and love working together, and she can offer a whole bunch of insight and perspectives I know people will love to read. As of today, she’s come on board here at Mosen Consulting to produce some resources on that all important topic, getting the job you want.

We hope this broader focus combining assistive technology, mindfulness and well-being, and job skills will be a resource you’ll continue to come back to regularly.

Thanks so much for reading. Bonnie will introduce herself in the next post.