The Blind Side Podcast 81, En-Vision America, deleting Facebook, and long live Braille

Jonathan has a couple of new gadgets. A new Samsung wireless charger that allows the iPhone X to be upright which helps with Face ID, and a Bluetooth transmitter dongle that he hopes will help him and Bonnie to use Aira at the same time. He describes both cool new toys.

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We’re thrilled to be Libsyn’s Rockin’ Libsyn Podcast this week. Read Libsyn’s piece about The Blind Side Podcast.

Mosen Consulting and this podcast are no longer on Facebook for ethical reasons. You can read Jonathan Mosen’s blog post on why he has deleted Facebook.

If you would also like to join the exodus, choose this link for an accessible way to delete your Facebook account.


En-Vision America has been at the forefront of barcode scanning technology for the blind for a couple of decades, and the technology keeps improving. Even in this day of smartphone apps, their dedicated i.d. mate Galaxy provides quick, effortless access to barcodes, including to the many blind people who don’t own a smartphone.

They’re also in a product category that could literally be a matter of life and death. Their ScriptTalk solution provides accessible medication labels, with an app about to be released for iOS.

David Raistrick of En-Vision America joins Jonathan to discuss and demonstrate the company’s barcode and ScriptTalk solutions.


Listener comments include feedback about person-first language, a user who took the plunge and swapped his iPhone for a Samsung Galaxy, and a blind adult seeks encouragement as she learns Braille. Jonathan talks about what Braille has meant to him and the huge part it plays in his work and personal life.

We welcome your feedback. Send email to TheBlindSide at Mosen dot org, or call the feedback line in the United States on  (719) 270-5114.

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