It ages me to admit that I can remember when telephone service was provided by the New Zealand Post Office. I feel like I’m sounding like a granddad when I write that there was a waiting list to get a …

Thoughts on Telecom new Zealand’s Name Change from a Disability Perspective Read more »

While many netizens around the world are taking a stand on overzealous surveillance today, the United States Congress took a baby step towards a draconian limitation of personal and business freedom. Ironically, the bill in question has been introduced by …

I Want to Make Voice Calls on Planes, and it’s No Government’s Business Read more »

Recently I was interviewed by Stephen Jolley, for his show Talking Vision. aired on radio reading services and community radio stations across Australia. We talked about tech, broadcasting and a bunch of subjects, including my background. In the interview, I …

Why I’m Excited about having Blind Grandchildren Read more »

Insight Radio is producing some top quality blindness-related programming, with superb production values. It was my pleasure to chat with Steven Scott about accessible gaming on iOS. Thanks to the Insight Radio team for what they’re doing. I’m hoping the NFB …

I’m Talking Accessible iOS Gaming on Insight Radio Read more »