Hello everyone. Thanks to all our wonderful customers who ordered “Apple Watch Without Watching”. The key point in this post is to let you know that I am now not able to complete this book in a timely manner, and …

The book “Apple Watch Without Watching” has been cancelled for now. Refunds being issued Read more »

I still get emails from people following up on the blog posts I wrote last year, regarding the unique needs of blind people who wear hearing aids. I’m in the early stages of putting a book together for blind people …

I’m Talking Challenges and Strategies for Blind Hearing Aid Users on the “Eyes On Success” Podcast Read more »

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Regular readers will have noticed that while I continue to write about technology, I’ve also been writing in recent times about some of the most amazing, complex technology of all, our brains and our minds. No user manual comes with …

Mosen Consulting Expands its Mission, Adds a New Staff Member Read more »

Putting books and audio tutorials together takes a lot of time and research. For me it’s an interesting process, because someone suggests an idea, or one pops into your head, and there’s a resulting burst of enthusiasm. Then I must …

This Week, I’m talking Overcoming Geo-blocking on Accessible World Read more »