Stuart Lawler is hosting and producing a great technology podcast for the National Council for the Blind of Ireland, (NCBI). It has excellent production values, and Stuart knows what questions to ask. It’s an informative listen.   This month, Stuart …

I’m being Interviewed by Stuart Lawler on this Month’s NCBI Podcast Read more »

A new version of Viber for iOS is now available in the App Store.   Viber is in a pretty difficult market, with Microsoft’s Skype being so dominant. But they have carved out a niche for themselves thanks to the simplicity …

Viber becomes more Accessible on iOS, not such good news for PC and Mac Read more »

like many iOS users, I have a bunch of apps on my phone that I don’t use very much. It’s just so easy to double tap to install something, especially when it’s free. Digg is one of those apps. When …

Is Digg Going to Give us an Accessible, Cloud-Based RSS Experience? Read more »

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Long gone are the days when blind people were limited to a few selections made available in special formats designed for their use exclusively. eBooks have given blind people access to more reading material than ever. It wasn’t so long …

Blind people have waited too long, but we now have a way to truly engage with Kindle Content Read more »

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Traditionally, ASB, a New Zealand bank, have always shown an interest in accessibility. I’ve used FastNet, their Internet banking system, for years because it provides an excellent experience with screen readers.   After some changes a couple of years back …

ASB Bank’s iOS App Significantly more Accessible Read more »